Asked: Tips On How To Grow Long Healthy Hair?

what are some tips to help promote long healthy hair?


1) Don't use shampoo constantly, as in everyday. It not only rids all the unwanted stuff, but also the natural oils in your hair.
2) Avoid heat prodects as much as you can, obviously, they damage. But if you do, at least use heat protectant.
3) Protect your hair: Use a leave in condititioner with sun protection or something xP
4) Always use conditioner. It moisturizes, keeps it nice and soft c:
5) Prevent split ends: By using a product like shampoo, conditioner, etc. that is made to prevent split ends. Which is so important because the longer your hair the easier it is to get split ends.
6) Cut off split ends. For obvious reasons.
7) NEVER SLEEP WITH YOUR HAIR WET. It damages the hair :C
8) Never use elastic bands to secure hair unless they have fabric covering them.
9) avoid washing hair in too hot of water. (Lukewarm with a cool rinse is best).
10) Avoid chemical products and permanents. Perms may look nice but always have negative effects on the health of our hair. ( Not only is there "permanent" waves, there may permanent damage).
11) Deep condition at least twice per month.

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