Asked: Question about beards?

So I'm 18 and all I can grow is a mustache, some hairs on my chin, and below the lip. But it's not very full either. Anyways it doesn't grow on my cheeks or sideburns, but I see little dark hairs sprouting above my cheek on my cheekbones. Which is usually not where beards grow do they? Will try start to spread on my cheeks?


You may have to wait a while until you can actually start to show the process of a beard being grown. For some people, it may take much longer. My brother could grow a beard when he was 15 years old. However, it may be the same for me as it is for you; it may take much longer for you. I can't grow a beard as well and I only grow a few whiskers and some littles hairs/peach fuzz after 2 weeks of not shaving. It just really depends on genetics. You can't just start making a beard grow. I'm one of those people that will have to wait a long time to get any actual facial hair, and you may have a bit of waiting too. Good luck to you though. Maybe it'll help if you keep to a healthy diet.

Hair all over your body is determined by your GENETICS.
If & when your genetics decide to kick in – then growth can occur – & not before.
You can only have patience – & wait to see what all develops.
If it is meant to be – then it will happen – sooner or later.

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