Asked: Ways to grow thicker fringe?

I have a rather large forehead, thus I dun have much fringe T T it's really thin and if I ever try to cut bangs/etc it's literally just a piece of hair with one finger's thickness

Is there a way to grow thicker fringe? Or is it permanent due to my large forehead? owo

/I wash my hair daily!


Brush all your hair forward from the crown and then cut your hair at just above your eyes and it will cover your forehead

I would advise going to a hairdresser and getting them to cut your hair 🙂 They would be able to help you achieve what you want better than you could yourself 😉 I tried to cut my own fringe before and it REALLY wasn't a good idea…

Also, it is not a good idea to wash your hair daily. It strips away the natural oils and nutrients that make your hair healthier 🙂

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