Asked: Help! Urgently! Split ends!?

So I have mixed hair(English and African) I et split ends soooo easily and I have to keep cuttin my hair. My hair gets rough and dry at the ends. Im at my witts end because I have tried so hard, I want to grow out my hair, but I can't cos I have to keep cutting it. I've tried motions CPR shampoo, herbal essences repair shampoo, head and shoulders shampoo, I use leave in conditioners (my hair NEEEDDDSSSS MOISTURE as it sucks it up within mins) it hardly EVER gets greasy. I have tried sirems and even hot oil treatments and I have been trying to keep my hair in good condition. I have tried regular shampoos, a mix of shampoos, treatments, and even nothing in my hair (to give my hair a break from chemicals to keep it nice.) Help!


Cut off the split ends, and with your hair being so coarse then shampoo may not be the best thing to use on it. You'd be better off using conditioner or products that contain moisture instead, cause they are much gentler on your hair. Shampoos are really meant for people with oily/greasy hair and if your hair is more dry than greasy, then you need conditioner more than shampoo. People with oily/greasy hair need shampoo more than conditioner in order to absorb some of the extra moisture in their hair.

Washing your hair less would help it too because since your hair is so dry then you could probably go aweek or more without washing it, so long as it doesn't smell bad of course.

En vez de c-los haz de haber puesto lagrimas.

Y siento undirme, Y me estremesco, si veo caer tus lagrimas.
Yo me arrepiento.
Del mal que haga hecho.
Si veo caer tus lagrimas.

El lenguage puro de tu pena.
La callada voz de t tristeza.



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